City Council
Mayor – Patricia Vailliencourt
Mayor PT – Marty Way
Trustee – Steven Harvey
Trustee – Marsha Chartrand
Trustee – Cynthia Dresch
Trustee – Patrick DuRussel
Trustee – Sue LaRocque
Council meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in Council chambers. Council chambers are located on the lower level of the Village Hall in the northwest corner of the building.
Council Meeting Dates, Approved Minutes and Agendas
Manchester has a seven-member City Council headed by a president. Council members are elected for staggered four-year terms and are paid $70 per meeting attended. The Mayor Pro-Tem receives $90 per meeting attended and the President receives $225 per meeting attended. There are several standing committees devoted to particular areas of operation, which are headed by council members as appointed by the mayor. These standing committees meet as needed to work on regular operations and special projects. The City of Manchester also employees a City Manager. The City council also acts as the Zoning Board of Appeals, making decisions on certain variances and interpreting the zoning ordinance.