Brush Chipping
The City of Manchester provides brush chipping during the first week of each month, May through October, except for the month of July. Please pull brush piles to the street no later than 7:00 am on the 1st Monday of the above months. We ask that the piles not be pulled to the curb until the weekend before the chipping date.
Brush should be cut into 4 foot lengths. Nothing should be larger than 3 inches in diameter. All brush should be placed near the curb, not in the street, with the cut end toward the street.
Brush piles with other materials such as yard clippings, stones, etc. will be left at curbside for the resident to clear. Please be considerate of the safety of the DPW crew.
The City does not provide pick-up for other yard wastes. Residents may contract with LRS individually for yard waste service by calling 1-517-536-4900. Their service runs April – October and is an annual fee of $48.00, paid to Modern Waste.
Leaf Collection
The City DPW crew will begin leaf collection in the fall, usually during November. Leaves should be raked to the curbside, not into the street, and moistened to secure. Leaves that have twigs, brush or any other material mixed in will be left for the resident to clear. Please be considerate of the DPW crews safety and do not mix any other materials with the leaves.
The City does not provide pick-up for other yard wastes. Residents may contract with LRS individually for yard waste service by calling 1-517-536-4900. Their service runs April – October and is an annual fee of $48.00, paid to Modern Waste.